Saturday, 17 April 2010

Cooking course

After a giant water fight I met a lovely couple from Brighton who I have been with for the last couple of days. Yesterday we went up the mountain to the 'holiest temple in the north', Doi Suthep which was in a more Burmese style than the ones in Bangkok. I also discovered that people have a different buddha depending on which day of the week they were born to whom they make offerings which bring good luck. I also think I got blessed with holy water by a monk so the rest of the trip should go well! We then headed back in the old city of Changmai and did all of the temples down here, which are much less ornate than those in Bangkok but the old teak ones are so beautiful especially as the sun sets. At sunset the monks had prayer which we watched and found it was pretty moving actually.

Today was the cooking course which was fantastic, we made seven different dishes with varying success. I think the best was actually my Thai yellow curry, not bad for my first curry ever! The recipes are fairly simple, it might just be a bit difficult getting all of the ingredients back home. Ella and Sean (from Brighton) fly to India tomorrow so I'm not sure where I am going to move onto from Changmai, I'll let you know in the next post!

Once again I have forgotten to bring my camera lead but I will try to upload some photos at some point.

Laeeo juurh gan

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